Mountaineering                    White River Rafting                  Wildlife Safari
Hot Air Ballooning                Orchid Tours                         Rhododendron Trek
Blue Puppies & Wild Flower Tour   Edelweiss Trek                       Wetland Bird Watching
Migratory Bird Watching           Fossil Hunting                       Snow leopard & Blue sheep Trek
Red Panda / Musk deer Tour        Blood Pheasant Tour                  Cave Culture Tourism
Angling                           Honey Hunting                        Photographic Expedition
Trans-Himalayan Alpine Tour       Crane Watch                          Monkey Watch
Pheasant Tour                     Tansen Culture Tour                  World Heritage Site Tours
Culture Tour of Sankhu            Vihar - Bahi Tours                   Patan Walking Tour
Bhaktapur West to East            Neo-Classical Tours of Rana Palaces  Tharu Community Tour
Satar Community Tour              Jhangad Village Tour                 Therabada Buddhism Tour
Hindu Pilgrim Tours               Shamanism - Animism Tour

And many more attractive nature and culture special interest tours.



Nepal as a nation has resolved to revitalise her tourism industry. Tourism in Nepal, is the most important sector of the economy after agriculture, and contributes substantially to uplifting the quality of life of her people. As a socio-economic activity, tourism touches the life of every Nepali citizen in one way or another.

Officially declared by His Majesty's Government, "Visit Nepal '98" is today a policy priority for Nepal, to improve the quality of products and services offered to our visitors. This includes addressing issues of environmental degradation to preserve Nepal's natural and cultural heritage.

Visit Nepal '98 is the launching pad, we have adopted, to achieve this objective. It is more than a wealth of festivities and products. It is our industry's combined resolve to work towards a process to ensure that we deliver quality in our products, excellence in service, and fully involve all our citizens in tourism to obtain the greatest possible yield from it to benefit our country, our people, our business partners and our visitors.

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Visit Nepal '98 - Secretariat
Ministry of Tourism & Civil Aviation
Singha Durbar, Kathmandu
Phone: (977-1) 226992, 246024, 228847, 225269
Fax: (977-1) 227758, 246185
e-mail: motca@mos.com.np

Copyright 1997 Visit Nepal '98

Webmaster: Anita Shrestha, AMAA, INC