Our Name

Mary Poppins Prep School was previously Montessori Child Care Center.

For those who are not familiar with the name Mary Poppins we would like to know that  she was a factitious character, who appeared in Walt Disney's movie  of the same name.

The author of the stories was an Australian, Pamela L. Travers. Mary Poppins was a magical person who took on the role of a nurse maid to take care of two children in a banker's family. Her delightful doings not only transformed them, but made learning a wonderful experience by doing things the fun way.

Learning at our school is just so, hence the name Mary Poppins seemed most appropriate to us. We hope you like it too!


Our Aims and Yours

Our programme is designed to provide opportunities for your child to develop and grow in many areas.

Since the major of our students come from non-English speaking backgrounds, emphasis on listening skills and language facilities will be our top priority. Creative expression and social living will also be stressed.

As language develops, concepts in reading, mathematic and science will be initiated and nutured.

This is a accomplished by providing our children with a supportive, caring environment that develops self-esteem, self-motivation and a sense of responsibility.

It is important that parents feel responsible for developing these aspects in their child in their home environment even before the child comes to school.

Throughout, we will strive to provide every opportunity for maximum student achievement, but always bearing in mind that each child is an individual who has his/her own capacity for learning and develops at his/her own pace. Parents will do well to remember this too.


A Few Do's and Don't for Parents

  • Don't hesitate to love your child in a more demonstrative way.

  • Do be less critical and more appreciative of what your child does right.

  • Encourage constantly and praise good efforts.

  • Don't inflict your child with adult standards.

  • Avoid conflict standards. Be consistent in your moral beliefs.

  • Neglect, over possessiveness, child abuse or being a dysfunctional family will create emotional upheavals in your child. These result in juvenile delinquency. The scars of an unhappy childhood are also carried into adulthood. Don't ever forget this. 

  • Be a good role model at all times.

Parent's support and cooperation are vital for the child's development. We welcome visits from parents who need to discuss a problem or inform us of important changes and events in the life of their child. Many external factors can hinder a child's learning processes so we need to be aware of such information.

  • Absence of a parent
  • change of environment
  • a separation or divorce
  • arrival of a new baby
  • a serious illness in the family
  • a physical disability in the child
  • dyslexia (read about this from our circular)
  • an unhappy home atmosphere
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The School Programme
Mondays through Fridays

Playgroup & Prep (2+ - 3 yrs.)

Development of language, motor and all cognitive skills through guided and purposeful activity.

eg:-  tactile apparatus
        educational toys
        sand and water play
        classifying / matching and sorting activities
        picture talk, rhymes, stories, musical activities
        hands-on-activities using various media

Prep B (3+ - 4 yrs.)

Further development of language and motor skills as above.

Reading readiness
Exercises in auditory and visual discrimination.

Picture talks                 for vocabulary
Stories and rhymes       extension, sentence
Musical activities          construction and
Language games           sequential thoughts


Sight words and sentences
Letter symbols -         recognition & sounds only (3rd term)
Capital and small -
Reading by SIGHT only, of simple captions, nametags, command cards.

Writing  readiness
Finger rhymes for developments of  Tracing, coloring, hand control and eye cutting, drawing, etc. and hand coordination

Writing patterns

Letter symbols-            Stricty the Marion
Capitals only-               Richardson script

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Number Readiness
All number concepts and number terminology will be developed through:-

first hand experience, handwork activities, educational apparatus, musical activities, activity workbooks and cards games etc.

No formal number work till the children are ready for this stage.

U.K.G (4+ - 5 yrs.)

Language development. Mostly oral, work, with some attempt at writing simple words, captions and sentences. As handwriting skills develop more written work will be given.

The Reading Programme
With better comprehension and language ability, this programme will begin. A Sight Reader will be initially introduces simultaneously with phonic instruction. Basic reading skill should develop by the end of the year, as well s spelling of 3 letter words built phonetically.

The Marion Richardson script and extensive pattern work.

Number Work
Introduction to SETS - Number concepts to contine / Number  values / Numerals rote counting 1-50 (later till 100) Activity Work books and cards. Number experiences through hands-on-activities.

Other subjects:  Social Studies, Nepali, Musical Activities

Grades 1 & 2

More advanced work in all subjects

English, Reading, Writing, Number, Nepali Language, Speech, History, Geography, Nature Study, Hygiene, Hands Work, Musical Activities, Games.

Each term, parents will receive an evaluation cards on their child's performance and progress. No EXAMS WILL BE HELD. Only tests for Grades 1 & 2.

NO HOMEWORK for Prep class. Only U.K.G. grades 1 & 2 will occasionally be  given activity books or cards to work on at home besides some Reading, Spelling or Nepali assignments.