Radio Nepal was established on the 20th of Chaitra 2007 B. S. (01 April 1951). Initially, the transmission covered a duration of 4.5 hours through a 250 watt transmitter. Over the years, Radio Nepal has strengthened its institutional capacity and diversified itself in terms of programme format, technical efficiency and nationwide coverage. Radio Nepal airs programmes on Short Wave as well as Medium Wave frequencies. Radio Nepal transmits 19 hours everyday. However on public holidays, there is an additional 2 hours, extending the total duration to 19 hours. A FM-Channel covering Kathmandu valley and adjoining areas was started in 1995.

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Radio broadcasting is the cheapest and quickest means of mass communications in Nepal. In a mountainous country like Nepal, radio broadcasting has proved to be a very effective medium in disseminating information, educating people and entertaining the masses. It has been providing various programmes aimed at creating mass awareness. The people in the hilly areas and many of the remote villages have no access to motorable roads nor to any communication and entertainment facilities. Illiteracy being a common feature among the people, little use is made of the newspapers, which have very limited and delayed circulation. Therefore, Radio has been the most suitable means of disseminating information and providing entertainment to masses in Nepal.

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Short Wave: Three transmitters of 100 kW each enable transmission on two frequencies simultaneously. Khumaltar transmitting station has three 100 kw transmitters as well as a 250 kw diesel generator to cope with power cuts.

The Kathmandu Transmitting Station at Sainbu, Bhaisepati has one 100 kw main transmitter in addition to a 10kw stand by transmitter. There is also a provision for a 100kva diesel generator.

  1. Medium Wave: There are transmitters of various capacities in all the five development regions.

(i) Eastern Development Region:

There is a studio in Dhanakuta and a 100 kw transmitting station in
with 10 kw standby transmitter.

  1. Central Development Region:

In addition to the Kathmandu Transmitting station of 100 kw capacity, this region has a 10 kw transmitting station with 10 kw stand by facility at Bardibas. There is no studio facility .

  1. Western Development Region:

  2. A 100kw transmitting station with 10 kw standby facility and a studio in

  3. Mid Western Development Region:

A 100 kw transmitting station with 10 kw standby provision and a
studio in Surkhet .

  1. Far Western Development Region:

A 10 kw transmitting station with 10 kw standby provision and a studio in Dipayal.

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  1. The short Wave transmission of Radio Nepal is estimated to reach
    listeners throughout the kingdom.

  2. Medium Wave transmission covers 80% to 90% of the population.

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(a) Regional Programming:

Two hours of programmes for audiences in different regions broadcast
from Regional stations simultaneously from 09:30 hrs to 11:00 hrs and
18:05hrs to 18:30 hrs every day.

  1. National Programmes:

Broadcast for a duration of 19 hours everyday.

Radio Nepal uses a wide range of formats including features, documentaries, docu-dramas, dramas, talk shows, interviews, music shows, live commentaries etc. Recognizing the citizen’s right to be informed under a multi-party democracy, Radio Nepal attempts to provide informative, educational as well as entertainment programmes. The major programme highlights include:

  1. Educational:

Programmes on religion, literature, science and technology, agriculture,
women , health and sanitation, public health, children and youth.

  1. Entertainment:

  1. Music: Nepali songs, Western music, Hindi songs and Gazals.

  2. Songs in the different national languages.

  3. Radio dramas and comedy programmes.

  1. Information:

  1. News and Current Affairs.

  2. Phone-in for Parliamentarians.

  3. Radio Reports.

  4. Review of the press.

(v) Developmental Programmes.

Programmes on information and education constitute 40% of the total
programmings and entertainment covers the remaining 60% which also include commercials.

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In consonance with the policy of forging ahead in tune with the changing broadcasting scenario, Radio Nepal launched the first FM Channel in Nepal on he 30th of Kartik 2052 B.S.(16th Nov.1995). The FM Channel airs programmes on 100 MHz on the FM band through a 1 kw transmitter installed at Khumaltar, Lalitpur. A state of the art studio with stereo facilities has been established at Singh Durbar with sufficient facilities to broadcast programmes live. Radio Nepal has been leasing out its air time to private parties to broadcast programmes on its FM channel by permitting the private operators to use their own staff. These programmes have proved to be very popular among the urban youth of Kathmandu.

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Radio Nepal broadcasts news bulletins in Nepali at regular intervals (hourly) from 07:00 hrs until the close of the transmission. News bulletins in English are broadcast at 08:00 hrs, 13:05 hrs and 23:30 hrs everyday.

In additional to the news in Nepali and English, there are bulletins in other languages at various timings. They are Mager, Gurung, Tamang, Rai Bantawa, Newari, Bhojpuri, Hindi, Urdu, Tharu East and Tharu West Avadhi, Sherpa, Maithili, Rana Magar and Sanskrit.

Radio Nepal attempts to provide prompt and accurate coverage of all national and international news including political, economic and social highlights in an unbiased and objective manner. It attempts to safeguard the basic principle of public interest as the prime public broadcaster of the country. The station also has stringer reporters in several districts for coverage of news and information in different regions of the country.

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There is an in house Audience Survey Unit which has recently come up with its report following an exhaustive survey covering 15 districts.Details of the findings are available at the Radio Nepal.


Radio Nepal enjoys cordial relations with all friendly countries and broadcasting organisations. It is a member of the Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) and liaises closely with the regional broadcasting centre and AIBD. Training programmes at Radio Nepal are conducted on a regular basis either by in-house trainers or in cooperation with other friendly institutions. In the recent past, several such programmes were held in cooperation with the Deutsche Welle (The Voice of Germany) and the BBC. Programmes under the SAARC Audio Visual Exchange SAVE are broadcast every month.

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Radio Nepal has its own studios for programme production, music recording, talk shows and news broadcasts. A music library at its premises in Singh Durbar has a collection of about 20,000 songs. Foreign broadcasting Stations also make use of our Studio facilities and tansmitters for live and other broadcasts on a rental basis.

The Broadcasting Headquarters at Singha Durbar in Kathmandu has two broadcasting houses consisting of one drama studio, two music studios, one reporting studio, three continuity studios, the news studio,seven programme production studios. One of the music studios is equipped with sophisticated 24 track recording facility.This studio is open for hiring purposes for anyone desirous of recording music digitally whether solo track or for albums after payment of studio charges which are very reasonable compared to other private studios.

The complex also has one open air live concert facility for functions and musical performances.

Like other transmitting stations, the Head quarters also has a 100kva stand by diesel generator.

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After the change in its structure in 2041 B.S. (1984A.D.) as a self sustaining board, Radio Nepal has been more aware in marketing. It has been adopting the policy of selling commercial air time to interested parties. Promotional advertisements in the form of jingles and other formats as well as sponsored programmes are aired. The time division catagories are as follows:


  1. Super time-07:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday

  2. ‘A’ time-07:45 a.m. to 09:00a a.m. Sunday to Friday

  3. ‘B’ time - 08:15 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sunday to Saturday

  4. ‘C’ time -02:05 p.m. to 05:00 p.m.

  5. - 10:00 p.m. to 10:55 p.m. Sunday to Saturday

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Summer Broadcast


Medium Wave




















103 MHz

Kathmandu (Khumaltar), Shortwave Transmitting from 7.165 MHz, 5.005 MHz

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In the Internet :

In an attempt to reach interested listeners world wide, Radio Nepal has entered the Internet since April 1997. Since the start of this service, increasing numbers world-wide have visited the home page. The growing popularity of Radio Nepal in cyberspace is encouraging and there are plans in the offing to expand this service to include some programmes and music in addition to the existing Nepali and English news bulletins in the evening.

Our Internet address is :

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From its modest beginning 52 years ago, Radio Nepal has expanded considerably over the years. With over 750 staff members in different divisions and the acquisition of equipment in tune with the technological innovations, Radio Nepal aims to emerge as the media for the millions in Nepal as well as across regional frontiers.

There are plans for fill in stations at different parts of uncovered areas and the operation of a second channel in the existing premises to cope with the increasing demand for air time.

Radio Nepal faces the challenges of moving with the changing times in the light of the new innovations in broadcast technology. Most of its outdated transmission equipment need to be replaced or refurbished. In programme production, the digitization process has already been started, but a lot needs to be done. With the good wishes of all its listeners and friends, Radio Nepal is confident that these challenges can be faced successfully in the coming years.

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